A giant pine-cone becomes an object of study. Here Meadow, age 8, is wondering how the length of the cone affects the number of layers the cone has. She has no idea how to figure this out, but she said she was just going to count the layers in a straight line. She will photograph each cone and put it back on the ground of the National Park. Eventually she will have enough data to make a convincing case about her study.
Meadow’s age is not really an issue when engaging in a long-term project. In fact, she may not be at a disadvantage, for most students that are much older never engaged in a truly open inquiry. Everyone is welcome to present at the Science Conference at High School.
Science conference is not Science fair
In science fair, the answers are usually known. Students often find a well-known project from the internet or a book, replicate the work, and make a display about what they have done. The goal seems to be for using proper vocabulary as they explain content to parents and teachers.
Science Conference mimics real science
In a science conference, just like real science, the answers are not yet known. The methods of investigation, the analysis, and the eventual portrayal of work will be determined as the project progresses. Ingenuity, hard work, and many revisions are needed to make a convincing case to an audience of appropriately skeptical scientists.
Below is an investigation by older students.
How Does Foam Lose its Integrity with Use?
Here, Bailey and Sean are getting initial measurements of foam as it supports a load. Their inquiry is to determine the resilience of foam as it changes with use. This is important for protective equipment used in athletic gear.
Notice that the students are using materials at hand. Biology books will serve as the weights for this initial experiment. Students should never have to spend money to complete a quality study. Ingenuity and determination are the best tools for our students.
Notice the levels on top of the books. Sean says that after trying many different methods for getting the foam to compact uniformly, they have finally found a simple solution. Out of the picture is another level along the other axis.
Seems like a simple project
Most projects seem very simple…until you try them. School science usually removes all of the brainstorming, experimental design, measurement protocols, and the myriad of steps necessary to complete the project.
Frustration is part of Learning
Sean and Bailey have restarted this project several times. But now, they finally have a good measurement system. That is, until they realize that one of the books is a teachers edition, which weighs more. They realized this right before this picture was taken.