Join the Science Conference at High School Movement


Idealized Science: A Framework for Practicing Science Authentically was released in 2021, It is a vital resource for implementing dialogic discourse in your classroom, which is a key feature of scientific practice. (Front book cover above: Full book cover below)

Article Published in The Physics Teacher Journal - January - 2022

Science Conferences: A Pathway for Enacting the NGSS by Brian M. Wargo

This page will provide some basic resources for starting a Science Conference at your high school.


The following links will help teachers and students think about the features of a long-term project and its presentation. While point values are listed, the author recommends ignoring them and instead implores both students and teachers to focus on conducting quality work rather than focusing on points. However, they are included here because many teachers and students rely on them for guidance.

Features of Long-Term Projects - Rubric BMW 2023 Point Values

Features of Long-Term Presentations - Rubric BMW 2019


Long-term Basics

The above file gives a very brief overview of what long-term projects are all about!